Yao:皆さん、こんにちは!DUMPLING CAT FAMILY (餃貓FAMILY)の作者のヤオです。餃子型の猫とその家族の物語を作っています:)
Yao:Hello everyone! I’m Yao, the creator of DUMPLING CAT FAMILY (餃貓FAMILY). I’m creating stories about a dumpling-shaped cat and its family:)
Yao:During a low point in my life, nearly everything came to a standstill. I began observing the things around me and started drawing again, something I truly loved.
Yao:私にとって最も印象的な作品は、『HOME』と題されたオレンジ色の作品です。家の形をした枠の中で、Dumpling Catが犬のGOGOと黒猫のWusenを抱きしめています。家族の温かさと一体感が伝わればと。愛がある限り、私たちは家族なんだと・・・これが私がいつも伝えたいメッセージです。
Yao:The piece that holds the most meaning for me is the orange one titled HOME. In it, Dumpling Cat is hugging the dog GOGO and the black cat Wusen, all within a house-shaped frame. It conveys the warmth and togetherness of family. As long as there is love, we are family—that’s the message I always want to share.
Yao:2021年のパンデミックの時、私はあまり外出できず料理も得意ではなかったので、家で餃子を作っていたんです。のんびりとした猫たちを見ているうちにインスピレーションが湧き、餃子と猫という組み合わせが生まれ、それが私の作品の基礎となり、「DUMPLING CAT FAMILY」の物語となりました。
Yao:During the 2021 pandemic, unable to go out much and not great at cooking, I stayed home and made dumplings. Watching my leisurely cats, inspiration struck, and the combination of dumplings and cats were born, which became the foundation of my work and the story of the DUMPLING CAT FAMILY.
Yao:I’ve loved drawing for as long as I can remember, and I’m so happy that it has become my career.
ー今回のFREAK’S STOREとのコラボ企画について、どのように考えて制作しましたか?
Yao:今回のFREAK’S STOREさんとのコラボデザインは、「DUMPLING CAT FAMILY」のファンの方にも、初めて「DUMPLING CAT FAMILY」に出会う方にも、「DUMPLING CAT FAMILY」の持つ温かさや仲間らしさを感じてもらいたいと思いました。FREAK’S STOREさんのカジュアルでスタイリッシュな雰囲気を引き立てつつ、イラストのユニークな魅力を損なわないデザインを目指しました。
Yao:For this collaboration design with FREAK’S STORE, I wanted both fans of DUMPLING CAT FAMILY and those encountering it for the first time to feel the warmth and companionship that DUMPLING CAT FAMILY represents. I aimed to create a design that complements FREAK’S STORE’s casual, stylish vibe while preserving the unique charm of the illustrations.
Yao:I usually attention to the quality and practicality of the products. I want them not only to look good but also to be comfortable and enjoyable to use.
Yao:I feel that Tokyo is a vibrant yet polite and gentle city! The energy of this place is truly contagious, and whether it’s the food, culture, or different neighborhoods, there’s always something new to discover just by wandering around. I admire Osamu Harada and love the retro American style with its vibrant colors; it instantly lifts my mood.
Yao:I think Taiwan’s art community is full of energy and creativity. Most artists work independently—they not only focus on their art but also seek out exhibition opportunities themselves and even handle finding manufacturers when it comes to making merchandise.
Yao:There will be an exhibition at Tsutaya Bookstore in Ginza coming up in December! Everyone is welcome to come!
Yao:If I could continue doing what I love and keep creating, that would be my greatest dream.
DUMPLING CAT FAMILYは3匹の猫と1匹の⽝たちと暮らすアーティストが⽇常⽣活やふれあいをモチーフに制作。
愛さえあれば家族だという信念を持ち、餃⼦猫のDUMPLING CAT,⽝のGOGO, ⿊猫のWUSEN, 揚げ餃⼦猫のFRIED DUMPLING CAT,あずきうさぎのRED BEAN RABBIT,カスタードくまのCUSTARD BUN BEARが素敵な家族を作ります。ユーモア溢れるかわいいキャラクターたちが、皆様に少しでも温かさと幸せをお届けできれば幸いです。
台湾出身アーティストとフリークス ストアの限定コラボアイテムが登場